Members of the Parish Council met online with representatives of Cameron Homes on Thursday 12th September, to receive information about their draft proposal for site HDL006 (land south of Wedgefields Close). To watch the recording of this meeting, use the following link: (If you have any problems using this link, please contact the Clerk.)
Cameron Homes tell us that information about the draft proposal and how to respond online will be coming through your letter box shortly. We have also asked that paper copies be made available and will advertise where and when these are available for postal responses. There will be a consultation period of around 3 weeks for people to respond, followed by a meeting with the Parish Council and public.
The Parish Council will be holding a public meeting as soon as possible to discuss the draft plans and what can be requested to benefit the community. This will be helpful to coordinate our responses to the survey and clarify the wishes of the community. We hope that as many as possible will attend.
Full information about any meetings will be published as soon as dates are confirmed.