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The Parish Council is a consultee in the planning application process, not a decision maker.

When a planning application for within our area is submitted to Shropshire Council, the Parish Council is informed. The Parish Council is invited to submit comments (subject to a deadline). The Parish Council, or its Planning Committee, then considers the application carefully, visits the site if necessary, and then applies the "material planning considerations" that are set out in the National Planning Policy Framework (see below). Any opinions from the occupants of neighbouring properties, and from residents generally, are also considered. The Parish Council/Planning Committee then decides whether to support or oppose the application and submits this opinion along with any relevant comments to Shropshire Council. It is Shropshire Council's Planning Department that makes the final decision, taking into account the Parish Council's opinion and any public comments, as well as feedback from statutory consultees. 

The Parish Council is impartial at all times and never applies personal views or opinions in the decision to either support or object to any application. All meetings are advertised in advance on this website and on the village notice boards. 

You can find details of all current and previous planning applications, and how to submit you own comments, here: Shropshire Council Planning Register.