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The next meeting of the Parish Council will be on Monday 9th September at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. 

MEETING POSTPONED - Please note that due to a problem with room availability, the following meeting is to be rescheduled: There will be a meeting between the Parish Council and representatives of Cameron Homes, with regard to a proposed development scheme, on Thursday 12th September at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. This meeting is open to the public. Cameron Homes have agreed to have a public Q&A at the end, but it would be really helpful to have questions submitted in advance please (via the Clerk). 

Agendas for forthcoming meetings are available via the drop-down menu. 

Residents are very welcome to attend our meetings. A public participation session is usually held at the start of each meeting to receive any representations, questions, requests or suggestions from parishioners. After that time, members of the public are welcome to stay and observe the meeting but may only speak by direct invitation from the Chairman. 


MINUTES - see drop-down menu for previous minutes. Please note that minutes are approved at the next meeting of the council or committee. Until they are approved, they are published in draft form and may be subject to alteration.


MEETING DATES - see drop-down menu


OTHER DOCUMENTS - see below for documents that may be of interest